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- Kristi
- The Boy, 2 Muttleys and I have finally realized our dream of living 1 mile from the Lindt Chocolate Factory. Leaving Atlanta (the World of Coke) for Zurich (the World of Chocolate) hasn't come without challenges, incredible fun or giggles. Follow along as I chronicle our adventures as we acclimate to this new Swiss lifestyle.
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Thoughts on Nakedness

It is common knowledge that Europeans embrace nudity. We aren't talking nudity in fine art or on TV, but their own nakedness. Switzerland is no exception as the Swiss too embrace their boobies, pee-pees and other parts that us Americans deem not fit for sunshine or public consumption.
I had my first taste (or beer funnel full) of this when I began going to the gym. I wouldn't classify myself as a prude but I don't parade around with my clothes off. The women's locker-room is like a giant bearded lady convention and we aren't talking the facial kind. Women are putting their make-up on fully nude, blow drying their hair fully nude, yelling at me fully nude and can be found just standing there celebrating their nudeness.
In addition to the in your face nudity at the gym, I have witnessed several men and women putting their bathing suits on at the lake. The logic escapes me as to why this is better than putting them on at home. I have never thought myself "damn I would have much rather put this on in front of everyone else. People need to see my jibbly jobblies...maybe next time". Perhaps there is logic to it though, of which I am more than happy and open to hearing.
In addition to the fine examples above, it is also common practice for male and female work colleagues to meet for a steam while everyone is fully nude. I know...I just blew your mind. Gives a whole new meaning to "Um Ralph...I need your briefs today by 5pm...no really, I need them...OFF that is. Today is our nude team building event which is being held at the steam bath. Be there or be fully clothed!"
The thing is Americans, myself included, are all sorts of jammed up when it comes to nudity. Some argue our shame and embarrassment comes from our Puritan past and religious roots. If you go anywhere in Europe, there are churches on every corner and 5 kajillion paintings of baby Jesus (who by the way is always nude). So if it is religion making us Americans modest, then why haven't these same religious threads sewn themselves into the European psyche? It seems in Europe, thoughts on religion and nudity are mutually exclusive.
I admire the European attitude towards the human body. Only in America can you have a show named "Sex and the City" where the main character never once flashes a boob. We get more skin at half time shows featuring "Miss Jackson if you're nasty". Which by the way us Americans still hear about over here as I have met several Europeans who still bring up the big deal we made about Janet's stray boob.
I can't say I am completely comfortable with nakedness and I would draw the line at being side by side with my co-worker's ding dong. I do however think us Americans could lighten up about it and not view nudity with such "hand over mouth" reactions.
What are your thoughts on nakedness? Do you think Americans overreact or do you think the Europeans need to reign in the janglies?
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It depends if they're good looking Europeans or not. In my travels in Europe I've seen some part nasty eyefuls that have burned themselves into my psyche. However, come to any beach in Southern California and most of the girls are all but naked. Like dental floss and two drink coasters.lol
I was in H&M on a Saturday (big mistake) and was waiting in the 3 mile long line-up to get a change room. This lady behind me is cursing under her breath, and she decides ENOUGH! She stalks past the line-up and stands before the mirror in the changing area, whips off her clothes, bra included to try on a few little party dress. She was also wearing a skimpy thong.
None of the other people in the line seemed preplexed by this in the least. Meanwhile I had no clue where to look. Do I keep looking straight ahead, as I was, but then be mistaken for staring? Do I blatantly look away, and then be mistaken for a prude? SHE'S RUINED MY LINE-UP EXPERIENCE!
Yeah, I think it's fair to say Canadians have issues with public nudity as well.
Kristin, while the nasty eyefuls have burned their images into your psyche, they have burned into my retinas. It is hard to go on when you constantly see a pair of 80 year old boobies.
Oh Caitie...there have been so many things I have seen at the H&M. Perhaps a field trip to your place in Bern is in order and I can tell the tales to you in person.
(I'm swiss.)
US 1 - EU 0 : First time I went to NYC, I was in a shop and heading to the changing room. Rooms? No, room. I had never seen something like this: a common (female) changing room. I actually liked it, as everyone starts commenting each other dresses, it was kind of fun - I had never seen anything like this in Switzerland. I would have hated undergoing to humiliation of trying jeans in front of three other women, though.
US 0 - EU 1 : First time I was in California, we went camping with my landlord (weird Chinese guy) and my roommate - a German girl about my age. I was sharing a tent with her. We were on our way to the camping showers, I had something to do on the way so I joined her after 5 minutes or so. I get into the changing room and there she was, dressed and obviously kind of lost. Adjacent to the changing room was a common showers room. So Roommate looks at me as says: "I don't dare to go... they all shower with their clothes on!" Surprised, I peeked into the shower and yes, women were showering with they clothes on, hand in their shorts to wash their private parts. Quite weird to us. So I look at her and tell "Screw that, we're European, we're gonna shower naked." So, we get in the shower, naked and start casually talking to each other as we were showering.
Then comes an American woman, still dressed, she peeks into the shower... and enters the shower a minute later fully naked :-)
That's my story.
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