About Me

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The Boy, 2 Muttleys and I have finally realized our dream of living 1 mile from the Lindt Chocolate Factory. Leaving Atlanta (the World of Coke) for Zurich (the World of Chocolate) hasn't come without challenges, incredible fun or giggles. Follow along as I chronicle our adventures as we acclimate to this new Swiss lifestyle.
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living in Switzerland
Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas
Monday, March 28, 2011

So Cute that "Cute" Doesn't Cut It

Just a little diddy from the Serengeti. I think you are looking at the 3rd Cohen brother with my film skills. Think they have room in their family for this rising star?


Kristi said...

So I guess my readers don't like cute stuff. I will take that into account when write my next blog. Seriously, no one even wanted to post an "awwwww"?