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The Boy, 2 Muttleys and I have finally realized our dream of living 1 mile from the Lindt Chocolate Factory. Leaving Atlanta (the World of Coke) for Zurich (the World of Chocolate) hasn't come without challenges, incredible fun or giggles. Follow along as I chronicle our adventures as we acclimate to this new Swiss lifestyle.
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living in Switzerland
Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Smelling Cinque Terre

To say a place smells sorta puts you off, doesn't it? Well knock it off, Cinque Terre smells mostly good. The worst thing we smelled the whole trip was the present Dooley left us in our apartment one day...under our bed...a bed that had no where to move because it filled up the entire room...I had to get all "Tom Cruise-Mission Impossible" on that clean-up.

Cinque Terre is in the Mediterranean so of course it has that salty, sweet smell that comes along with an ocean location. I am a lake girl but nothing smells quite like ocean air:

There were flowers everywhere and they perfumed the streets:

Did you see the size of those lemons? Nice lemons! Excuse me, but can I squeeze your lemons?

These are all of the things you want to say when you first see them. Just be careful what company you are in when you say any of the above phrases. They could be taken the wrong way...you know, language barriers and all. The lemons were humongous in comparison to what we see in the stores and they left a subtle, fresh scent.

I don't have pictures of the smells that would waft through the streets. You can't really take a picture of "wafting", but there was waftage. I am talking fresh Foccacia bread waftage, garlic waftage and all sorts of other incredibly edible smells.

Now I am home, sitting at my computer with one of my dogs on my lap. My dogs are notorious sulfur producers. Let's just say Cinque Terre smelled a LOT better.


Chantal said...

Ooh. Lemon scented Italy. Now I really want to go.

m.b. said...

Mmmmm. I am scent oriented and this sounds wonderful.